Summer time Japan!

Summer Time in Japan

Now, if you’re a squeamish person like me, you probably looked at this picture with shock and had a “what the heck” kind of expression.

My first thought when I saw this picture was.. “is this even in Japan?!” from my top searches of “summer time in Japan” via Google.

I have raised this topic because I wanted to discuss summer in Japan based strongly on Japanese female fashion during this むしあつ period. I chose this picture because if this was taken in Japan, it would be the most revealing I’ve ever seen concerning a Japanese woman (onsens are excluded of course)!

Being a girl born and raised in England, naturally I have developed a European sense of fashion and style for myself. From coming to Japan, my recent culture shocks has indeed been the Japanese fashion during the summer season! 

It seems any length of skirt is okay. Really really short skirts. Even when it is winter. 

This doesn’t bother me as I do not feel any need to conform from what I am comfortable with nor should others conform on my behalf of preference. However, what was most surprising.. girls like me who are used to wearing sleeveless tops during summer are deemed revealing and too sexual for society. Now I repeat; sleeveless tops. It really is as innocent as it sounds.

I came off the train the other day and there were two young Japanese girls wearing short skirts. As we walked up the stairs they were very self-conscious of anyone behind them being able to look up their skirts. A young high school boy behind them realised this, hesitated and fell back keeping a safe gap between them. It is way easy to be called a ちかん (pervert) in Japan. It made me wonder though, why wear something so short and not feel comfortable in it at all times? It is not deemed too sexual by society but young girls in Japan are afraid of perverts taking advantage of the one feature they love to show so much. Yet, if they revealed their shoulders, this is seen as sexy and revealing. Faced with looks of disapproval. At the very least, it’s fair to say not revealing their shoulders is definitely a comfort zone for them.


Interesting, Japan! 


Home & Away

Hey Everyone! 


I have been on the longesttttt break! It’s funny because this blog was started because of my upcoming trip to Japan!

And now I’m here… and have been here since September 2013. And will be leaving in August (so soon). 

I got so caught up. New posts (hopefully videos) coming soon! 

I have missed posting so much! Stay tuned.



Hey everyone!!!
So I celebrated my birthday earlier on this year in February!

It was a lovely night I didn’t want anything huge so decided on a small dinner with a few friends in London.

Anyway, here was my outfit! (Apologies for the late post on this.. I’m a lot more active these days!)



I actually bought this a year ago from ASOS and it was just one of those outfits where you buy it and just wait for the perfect occasion. My birthday was the best excuse 😊✌

Expect a lot more fashion posts in the coming weeks! And let me know what you think so far!

Twitter: @StylishPolkaDot
Pinterest: TravelTalesMon

We Are The Chosen Generation

As everyone is aware, it was Easter at the start of the month.
At my University, our campus fellowship held a lovely service just before the Easter break and brought in so many people. I have never seen it so packed before! It was amazing.. so many people had come together in this one place to celebrate Jesus Christ!

For those that follow my blog, I wanted to share with you the video that my friends had created and shown during the service.
It’s relateable and some parts are hilarious.
It touched a lot of people in the room and even changed many lives.

Titled: “Chosen Generation” short clips of different lives fused together in a video that addresses real-life situations we all face, some – on a daily basis.
Being the “Chosen Generation” is knowing that God loves you and accepts you as you are. And that you were chosen right from the start. It is up to us to realise this and accept it.

I hope you watch it and are blessed.

Have a lovely day 🙂 x

Twitter: @StylishPolkaDot
Pinterest: TravelTalesMon

Ladies From My Block!

So I haven’t done a fashion post in ages.
This post features two of the three lovely ladies I share a private house with at University.

Meet Gladys… (pronounced Glad-diss)

This photo was actually taken in February!
Funny enough it was a really sunny day at the time and she wasn’t expecting a quick photo shoot! I really liked her look that day especially her nails (it’s the smallest details that count). I love her style, it appears effortless but always on point with statement pieces and make up. Remember her face now! She will be featuring in my blog quite often..



Another lovely housemate.. meet Deborah

debThis girl is very preppy and you will see her a lot in my blog! We were in the LRC (learning resource centre OR as many others know it – library). Well to be honest, our “library” isn’t really a library but work can be done if you want it done!
I loved this look that day, it was so vintage with a modern twist but yet her Converses make it look less formal. The way this girl styles is crazy but it always works. Better off taking tips from these two- I do!

Keep on the look out and see more of my latest shots from the ladies of my block!

Twitter: @StylishPolkaDot
Pinterest: TravelTalesMon

If I Could Stop The World

So I live in the UK, and as some of you might know, time went forward over the weekend signifying summer soon. Even though, it has been snowing nonstop and it has been the coldest Spring I have ever witnessed in my lifetime.

Made me realise how much time has passed and it’s just April. I have a few things to blog about.. I don’t really want to compress it all into this post though.

So for the first time, I developed Laryngitis last week. And I had 3 shows to sing at that week. It is undoubtedly, a scary experience. People lose their voice all the time- but I’ve never taken it seriously! Until it happened to me… Thankfully, it slowly started to heal and (even though not at 100%) still got to sing at 2/3 shows.

One of the venues I got to sing at was in London at Gibson Hall on Saturday.Gibson Hall

Such a beautiful venue and people have used it for wedding ceremonies. It must have been really expensive to hire though. It was a good night with known acts such as the dance duo winners of Britain’s Got Talent: Twist and Pulse and the runner up winners: Signature (different years of course).

Even during the performance, I could still feel my voice straining. I’ve decided to take a break off singing for at least 2 weeks. It’s never worth losing your voice forever! I’ve realised, if I ever lost my voice it would literally be the one thing to truely break my spirit. Not even just to sing but in the way I speak and voice my opinion.

If you ever forget who you are, just remember:

“Your voice is your identity, it speaks for you”Monica

Twitter: @StylishPolkaDot
Pinterest: TravelTalesMon

Liebster Awards

Hey guys!
I was nominated for a Liebster Award in the early hours of the day and was quite flattered by Stacey from
I thought I would get involved and nominate 11 other bloggers worthy of being recognised for their achievements so far!

Basically, the rules are:

1. List 11 things about yourself

2. Answer the 11 questions you’ve been given with your nomination

3. Choose 11 bloggers and provide 11 questions for them to answer

4. Go to their blog and let them know you nominated them

5. No tag backs!

The whole point of the award is to recognise bloggers who have under 200 followers. It’s pretty much an award to spread the love and let people know how awesome they are!!

11 things about myself….

1. I am currently learning Japanese! よこそみな!

2. Celebrated my 20th birthday last month

3. I plan my own open mic nights

4. I sing and write my own stuff

5. I have about 400 friends on Facebook

6. I shall be going to Japan in about 3-4 months for a 6 month placement

7. I have been in a musical theatre production

8. I am a devoted Christian

9. Born and raised in London

10. I have an obsession with different coloured scarves and large vintage cardigans/jumpers!

11. I have a blog and twitter- follow me! 😀


Answers to Stacey’s questions..

1. What is your favourite season and why?

I love autumn because it’s on the border of winter.. it is never too cold for me to go out in one of my chunky cardigans/jumpers! I feel like a coat hides and disguises your outfit! Plus fashion looks best in the autumn/winter line. I feel like the summer line is not as extravagant.

2. Would you change anything that has happened within the last 6 months, would you? Why/why not?

I would and that would be spending and appreciating more time with my family and getting more involved in my singing projects.

3. Would you rather spend a year travelling abroad or travelling around your home country?

Definitely rather spend a year travelling abroad!

4. What are some words/phrases you over use?


5. What are some of your pet peeves?

When I had my hamster back in 2006, I used to find it so annoying when it would find a way to escape the cage! One night it escaped and ran into one of the bedrooms which woke everyone up. When I went to the cage and saw the door open my heart sank – what a bother!

6. If you could meet any person (dead or alive) who would it be?

My brother

7. What is your dream job?

To sing and perform

8. Would you rather go a month without social media or a month without talking?

Social media definitely! Need to get out more! Haha

9. Can you remember your dreams? If so, describe your most recent one…

It’s not very interesting.. My friend was really annoyed me so I stomped off lol don’t ask!

10. What is (or was…) your favourite subject at school?

Does Uni count? Other than music at school (number one) I love my course right now 😀 Event Management with Japanese

11. What are some things you want to do before you die?

Explore the world and provide a strong pillar and to my (future) children


Now I would like to nominate these lovely bloggers for the award!!

Now here are your 11 questions

1. If you could be any animal in the world, what would you be and why?
2. If you had super powers what would it be and why?
3. Do you have any talents?
4. What is your mood right now?
5. If you had to choose a famous celebrity as a role model, who would it be and why?
6. Do you believe in life after death?
7. What country would you like to visit the most right now?
8. What do you want in the whole wide world right now?
9. You’re stranded on an Island and have nothing, if you could what 3 items would you carry to survive?
10. Do you believe in love at first site?
11. When was your last embarrassing moment and what was it?

Hope you all enjoy and I hope you continue to write amazing blog posts!


Twitter: @StylishPolkaDot
Pinterest: TravelTalesMon

Hey – Hi – Hello

“A girl should be two things: classy and fabulous.”
Coco Chanel

Now I’m not about to begin this entry by saying I am a fashionista or someone professional in the fashion area! I am a young girl in love with a sense of style ;)..

I felt a bit playful one morning and just threw on this piece which created a Victorian look with the white shirt and black bow. I’ve never really tried this look before, then I took my friend’s glasses and then it just changed the outfit completely. Long braids, geek glasses – a subtle influence of the popular Janelle Monae.

Unfortunately, no one was home to take a full-on picture for me! (I tried the mirror pose – it did not work well)

This look is perfect for a birthday dinner with some of your girls with heels OR if you would like to wear it out on a typical day I would personally pair it with Doc Martens or simple flat shoes. I personally just wore this to Uni! It can work for any occasion really! 😀

Look out for more future posts!!


Twitter: @StylishPolkaDot
Pinterest: TravelTalesMon

Who I am Is Me

Hello everyone!

Welcome to my blog.

My name is Monica and being my first post, I want to explain what this is all about!

I am a University undergraduate student studying Event Management with Japanese in my second year.
YES! I love my course 🙂
Near the end of this year I am hoping to go on a placement (study abroad and/or work) in JAPAN for at least 6 months.
However, before getting to that date…
There are also a few things I’d like to blog about in the mean time:
1. TRAVEL  – This will be my main focus; jotting down stories and findings during my preparation and travels
2. FASHION – Posts of OOTD (outfits of the day)
3. EVENTS – I organise and run my own
4. Thoughts and observations
In the mean time, I hope you stay with me throughout my travels! 😉
“The world is a book and those who do not travel read only one page.” – St. Augustine
Twitter: @StylishPolkaDot
Pinterest: TravelTalesMon